Webinar – Application of ABER biosensor probe
in CHO cell culture to detect bacterial
contamination by conductivity

This webinar will explain the principle behind dielectric spectroscopy and include case studies that demonstrate its use in these applications. Apart from capacitance, dielectric spectroscopy sensors also measure conductivity. In addition to the benefits of measuring capacitance in bioprocesses, there are advantages of measuring conductivity in real-time as well. Conductivity has been used as an indirect measurement of osmolarity and, thus, as an indicator of the quality of the cell culture medium and for monitoring the variations in the ionic concentration of the medium during the cell culture process.

Dr. Aditya Bhat B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD
Vice President – Technology

Dr. Chikkathur Madhavarao
Office of Pharmaceutical Quality Research in CDER, US FDA
In this webinar you will learn about:

Detect bacterial contamination early

Reliable, inline, and
real-time PAT tool

Controlling and automating bioprocesses