Effective yeast management

The importance of yeast management in a brewery cannot be overstated. Chris Boulton and David Quain rightly put it when they said, “If I was a yeast cell I would want to be looked after, cherished even!”. Understanding how many live yeast cells are working for you is one of the most important facets of yeast management. Better yeast management can directly lead to more consistent fermentations and beer quality, reduced fermentation times, reduced production of off-flavours, financial benefits etc.

ABER Instruments has over 25 years of dedicated experience in providing brewing equipment that measure the live concentration of yeast in the brewing process. ABER yeast monitors are used and trusted by all the major brewing groups across the world. We also have a host of scientific publications that attest the benefits of the technology and the reliability of our brewing equipment

The ABER Yeast Monitors can be useful for the
following core applications in a brewery

Brewing service and support

Our team’s expertise has been developed from working closely with our customers and developing a deep understanding of their aims and challenges. Whether you have a question about a specific product, designing a solution, or want to find out more about our technology our team of expert engineers are on hand and happy to talk.

The product range

Browse the full range of Aber Instruments products which enable effective yeast management for the Brewing industry.

And discover how you can unlock greater productivity, consistency and increase profits

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